Thursday, May 24, 2012

I think Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell said it right. “No time! There's never any time! I don’t have time to study. I’ll never get into Stanford.  I’ll let everyone down.  I’m so confused."

Out of everything she said I can relate most to letting everyone down.  Mostly my husband and son.  I have a 9 to 5 job then a part time job teaching dance to children and zumba to adults.  The part time jobs are what I love to do. The 9 to 5 is to pay the bills.  I put a lot of pressure on myself because I didn’t get a bachelors degree right out of high school to then have a career.  My husband is always stressed with money and I always apologize that I don’t make more of it.  So instead I load up on part time jobs and then lose the extra time to spend with my son.   My son is only 20 months old so I would rather do it now then when he is 4 or 5 and asking why I’m not home. 

Working 2 jobs though has some great opportunity for some stories.  Like the old man who sits behind me just farted in his cube and didn’t know he did it.   

Good luck on this semester everyone!